Monday, October 24, 2011

Sweet & Sour Chicken With Stir Fried Rice

This is one of my favorites! 

You Will Need~

Sweet & Sour Chicken

~6-8 chicken tenders, cut into pieces (seasoned with salt and pepper)
~2 Tablespoons pineapple juice
~2 Tablespoons cornstarch
~1 clove minced garlic
~1/2 cup soy sauce
~1/3 cup vinegar
~3/4 cups sugar

Preheat oven to 350.

In a small pot, combine cornstarch and pineapple juice.  Add all other ingredients and bring to a boil.  Place uncooked chicken pieces into a greased baking dish.  Pour boiling sauce over chicken pieces.  Bake for 1 hour, stirring chicken at 30 minutes.

                           This is what the sauce will look while boiling..

Basic Stir Fry

You Will Need~

~2 eggs, beaten
~1 yellow onion, chopped
~1 stalk celery chopped
~1/3 cup soy sauce (if you want more, that's fine)
~1 cup of cooked rice

First, cook rice like normal: 2 cups of water for every 1 cup of rice.  While rice is cooking, saute the onion and celery about 2-3 minutes.  Remove veggies from pan and cook scrambled eggs.  Finally, when rice is done cooking, add veggies in with the eggs and pour rice all in the large pan.  Add soy sauce (pour over rice evenly) and cook all together for 5-6 minutes over medium heat.

(side note:  There's already a lot of soy sauce in the sauce cooking with the chicken.  It will blend well when you pour chicken over the fried rice)

Make sure rice doesn't burn...Stir constantly..

Ready to serve!

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