Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Delicious Meal - Another Cleaning Out The Fridge Week!

Hi all!  I know it's been a little while since I've posted.  Been out of town a lot!  Also, been watching the budget a little more.  This week is another "Cleaning Out The Fridge Week".  Below is the amazing steak dinner we had last night - all from stuff that was burried in the freezer/pantry! 

On the Menu:

marinated artichokes (they've been sitting in the back of the pantry)
mushrooms (got them 2 weeks ago), in a wine/ garlic sauce
sweet peas (also been in the pantry - who knows for how long!?)
and chocolate chip cookies for desert (had some frozen cookie dough I made several months ago)

So, my point is - you're likely to find just as great of a meal as we made last night with items you already have.  I completely forgot about those additional steaks that were burried (we got them way back during Thanksgiving).  Be creative and plan a great menu by cleaning out your fridge/freezer!

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