Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fudge Drop Cookies

These cookies are chewy and delicious. Must try!

You Will Need

~8oz semisweet chocolate (Baker's brand)
~3 Tablespoons butter
~1 cup sugar
~3 large eggs
~1 teaspoon vanilla
~1 cup flour
~1/4 teaspoon baking powder
~1/4 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 325.

Break up the chocolate pieces and melt chocolate and butter in the microwave.  Do it in 20 second intervals (so it won't burn) and take out and stir.  Do this 3-4 times, until chocolate is completely melted.  In a seperate bowl, mix eggs with sugar.  Add the hot, melted chocolate and stir in remaining ingredients.  Spoon tablespoonfuls onto greased baking sheet. Bake 11-12 minutes until their tops are shiny and cracked.  They won't crack until the very end.  Make sure not to bake for more than 12 minutes, because they will be crispy instead of chewy.



Monday, December 12, 2011

Apple Cider Tenderloin

I love The Deen Bros cookbook.  My favorite recipe in there is the Apple Cider Tenderloin.  So simple and tasty!   This was last night's dinner..

~You Will Need

~2 pork tenderloins
~1 Tablespoon olive oil
~2 Tablespoons butter
~1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
~1 cup apple cider (or apple juice)
~1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
~salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350

Season tenderloins with salt and pepper.   Place tenderloins in large ovenproof skillet on medium-high heat.  Cook each side in olive oil and butter for about 5 minutes.   Add apple cider vinegar, apple cider and dried thyme. Bring to a boil and transfer skillet to oven.   Cook for 15 minutes, turn tenderloins and cook another 15 minutes, until meat is no longer pink and internal temperature reaches 150 degrees (make sure to check with a thermometer).  Transfer meat to a platter and cover with aluminum foil.  Place skillet with juices back on stove and bring to a boil.  Let boil until sauce thickens (about 5-7 minutes) and pour over tenderloins.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Great Gift Idea!

Again...Pinterest.com is completely awesome.  Saw this idea on there and made some last night for neighbors.  Inexpensive, but cute gift.  Everyone will love it too!

Hot Cocoa in a Jar

~You Will Need

~Instant Dried Milk
~Cocoa Powder
~Mini Chocolate Chips
~Candy Cane

Layer 1 cup of dried milk, 1 cup cocoa powder and 1 cup sugar.  Sprinkle mini chocolate chips on top and top everything with marshmellows. 

Instructions to put on a label:  Mix all indgredients in a large bowl.  Place 1/3 cup of mix with 1 cup of boiling water in mug.  Store in an airtight container.  Makes 12 servings.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cranberry Crumb Bars

I just made these and they are FABULOUS!  I stocked up on fresh cranberries (I'll freeze them and use them later)  Can't wait to make more cranberry goodies!

~You Will Need

~2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
~1 cup sugar
~1 teaspoon baking powder
~1/4 teaspoon salt
~1 cup cold butter
~1 egg
~1 Tablespoon cinnamon sugar

~4 cups fresh cranberries
~1 cup sugar
~Juice of 1/2 orange (4 teaspoons)
~1 tablespoon cornstarch
~1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 375.  Grease a 13x9 inch pan.  In large bowl, mix flour, 1 cup sugar, baking powder and salt. Cut in butter, using pastry blender until mixture looks like coarse crumbs. Stir in egg.

Press 2 1/2 cups of crumb mixture in bottom of pan.

In medium bowl, stir all filling ingredients. Spoon evenly over crust.

Stir in cinnamon sugar with remaining crumb mixture. Spoon reserved crumb mixture evenly over filling.

Bake 45 to 55 minutes or until top is light golden brown. Let cool completely.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Spinach Artichoke Dip Stuffed Mushrooms

I saw this idea on Pinterest.com (only the coolest site ever!) I discovered an awesome way to serve my favorite...spinach artichoke dip - in mushrooms!  Very easy! Just use my blog post on Spinach Artichoke Dip  http://carolinecuisine.blogspot.com/2011/09/hot-spinach-artichoke-dip.html and do the following..

You Will Need~

~1 package fresh mushrooms, caps removed
~Your favorite Spinach Artichoke dip

Preheat oven to 350.   Fill each mushroom with the dip.  

Spread on a cookie sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes.  Makes great appetizers for a Christmas party!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Perfect Crab Cakes

On a recent trip to South Louisiana, I found lump crabmeat that didn't cost $30.00 per pound (like it does in North Louisiana). It was only $14.99/pound and that's a great deal!  I got 2 pounds and have made all kinds of things.  Last night's dinner was crab cakes.  They were perfection!

~You Will Need
~1 pound fresh, lump crabmeat

~1/3 cup, crushed Ritz crackers (about 7-8 crackers)
~1/3 cup, chopped green onions
~1/2 cup, finely chopped green bell pepper
~1/4 cup mayo
~1 egg
~1 teaspoon Worcesterhire sauce
~1 teaspoon lemon juice
~1 teaspoon dry mustard
~1 teaspoon garlic powder
~1 teaspoon salt or Tony's seasoning
~flour for dusting
~1/2 cup peanut oil

Mix all ingredients together except four and oil. 

Shape into little patties and dust each side with flour...

Next, heat up oil (over medium heat) and fry about 4-5 minutes on each side.  Serve with your favorite dipping sauce...

(side note: use caution when dealing with hot oil.  It's very important to not turn the heat on high because the oil will burn and so will your crab cakes..not to mention kitchen filled with smoke...)

I love Remoulade Sauce!

(side note: Remoulade Sauce: or rĂ©moulade, invented in France is a popular condiment in many countries. Very much like the tartar sauce of some English-speaking cultures, remoulade is often  mayonnaise-based. Although similar to tartar sauce, it is often more yellowish (or reddish in Louisiana), often flavored with curry, and sometimes contains chopped pickles or piccalilli. It can also contain horseradish, paprika, anchovies, capers and a host of other items. While its original purpose was possibly for serving with meats, it is now more often used as an accompaniment to seafood dishes, especially pan-fried breaded fish fillets (primarily sole and plaice) and seafood cakes (such as crab or salmon cakes) [source: Wikipedia]


Original Recipe: Paula's Home Cooking on the Food Network  http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/paula-deen/crab-cakes-recipe/index.html