Thursday, December 1, 2011

Perfect Crab Cakes

On a recent trip to South Louisiana, I found lump crabmeat that didn't cost $30.00 per pound (like it does in North Louisiana). It was only $14.99/pound and that's a great deal!  I got 2 pounds and have made all kinds of things.  Last night's dinner was crab cakes.  They were perfection!

~You Will Need
~1 pound fresh, lump crabmeat

~1/3 cup, crushed Ritz crackers (about 7-8 crackers)
~1/3 cup, chopped green onions
~1/2 cup, finely chopped green bell pepper
~1/4 cup mayo
~1 egg
~1 teaspoon Worcesterhire sauce
~1 teaspoon lemon juice
~1 teaspoon dry mustard
~1 teaspoon garlic powder
~1 teaspoon salt or Tony's seasoning
~flour for dusting
~1/2 cup peanut oil

Mix all ingredients together except four and oil. 

Shape into little patties and dust each side with flour...

Next, heat up oil (over medium heat) and fry about 4-5 minutes on each side.  Serve with your favorite dipping sauce...

(side note: use caution when dealing with hot oil.  It's very important to not turn the heat on high because the oil will burn and so will your crab cakes..not to mention kitchen filled with smoke...)

I love Remoulade Sauce!

(side note: Remoulade Sauce: or rĂ©moulade, invented in France is a popular condiment in many countries. Very much like the tartar sauce of some English-speaking cultures, remoulade is often  mayonnaise-based. Although similar to tartar sauce, it is often more yellowish (or reddish in Louisiana), often flavored with curry, and sometimes contains chopped pickles or piccalilli. It can also contain horseradish, paprika, anchovies, capers and a host of other items. While its original purpose was possibly for serving with meats, it is now more often used as an accompaniment to seafood dishes, especially pan-fried breaded fish fillets (primarily sole and plaice) and seafood cakes (such as crab or salmon cakes) [source: Wikipedia]


Original Recipe: Paula's Home Cooking on the Food Network

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