Friday, September 30, 2011

Trial and Error....

Everyone makes mistakes...even at something they're good at.  It's only a matter of time before a mistake occurs.  I think it's only fair that I put a few of my kitchen mishaps on here to show everyone out there, that even people who have been cooking a while mess up.  So here is what happens when one is trying to cook and has no patience and is in a rush...

~Last night's dinner..Pizza!  I wanted to be creative and make my own pizza dough..FROM SCRATCH.  I have never attempted this, shouldn't be that hard, right?  Just mix a little yeast with warm water, flour, olive oil, etc...

Being extremely hungry and ready to eat...I wasn't about to wait the amount of time the directions said for the dough to rise...1 hour!  Also, it had to be in a draft free room (away from AC).  I also thought that didn't matter much.  So I just covered the dough and put it on the kitchen table and waited about 30 min...

Anyway, so then all seems to be going accordingly, so I decide to put it on the round pan and dress it up.  (note to self, if doing this..put enough cornmeal at the bottom so it will slide off easily onto pizza stone...

So far, so good right?  Looks yummy..lots of cheese, can't wait to eat!   But then...


Lesson learned on this one.   Don't try to rush things by cutting directions!!  The directions are there for a reason.  Several errors on this one, but mainly...I didn't put near enough cornmeal, so it stuck when I tried to slide it onto the pizza stone.  Better luck next time!! : / Dinner last night consisted of garlic breadsticks....those were quite tasty!

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